Straightforward pricing
Equilibrium Medical does not accept any insurance. We believe your health is worth an investment. Our pricing is straightforward so there are no surprises.
There are no membership fees. You are only charged for the visits you need. Cost is directly determined by the length of the appointment.
Bundled packages are available. You will also receive additional resources at no cost.
No waiting and no interruptions
Interested but not sure?
If you aren’t sure lifestyle medicine is right for you, book a free lifestyle medicine short assessment and introduction to Dr. Vickie. There is NO charge for this appointment.
Want to use your HSA or FSA?
If your benefits manager is unable to give you a definitive answer, book a lifestyle medicine long assessment and introduction to Dr. Vickie. There is $30 charge for this appointment, which can be submitted to determine HSA/FSA reimbursement.
Interested in weight management?
If you are committed to losing weight through lifestyle changes, you need a personalized plan. If you’re getting ready to take weight loss medications, you need to understand the importance of lifestyle changes. If you are interested in weight management, then a bundle is right for you.
How much does it cost?
The cost of an appointment is based on time spent
Initial consultation
Includes a comprehensive review of your medical and family history, as well as an assessment of your current lifestyle. Together, we will establish your personal goals and create an action plan for success.
You may choose a one-time hour long visit, which includes follow up to deliver your personalized plan, as well as additional resources for self-implementation. Also includes a 15 minute follow up visit at no additional charge. Cost $275
If a package better suits your needs, you will start with a one hour initial consultation, followed by a straightforward action plan and 4 follow-up visits to ensure understanding and implementation. Cost $375.
Weight loss or other chronic conditions can be customized for your needs.
You will also receive additional resources through the Athena portal.
Follow-up appointments
Follow-up appointments last 15 – 60 minutes.
$250/60 minutes
$150/45 minutes
$100/30 minutes
$65/15 minutes
What else is included?
After your appointment, you will receive specific recommendations and an action plan to address your needs through the Athena portal.
You may also receive additional evaluations to quantify your symptoms and follow progress.
A 15 minute follow up visit is included in the initial evaluation.
Prescriptions and refills
Prescriptions and refills not prescribed at the time of your appointment are $15. No scheduled drugs, such as narcotics, sleeping pills, cannabis or benzodiazepines are prescribed.
Will your insurance reimburse the costs?
No. Equilibrium Medical has opted out with the Centers for Medicaid/Medicare Services. You cannot submit your bill for reimbursement.
How is payment collected?
Your payment will be made through a secure online link. All major credit cards are accepted. You will receive a bill after your appointment.
Will my doctor have access to my records?
Yes. If your provider referred you to Equilibrium Medical, your provider will automatically receive records. If you need your medical records, you or your provider may request them at any time.
Will my HSA/FSA cover the costs?
Possibly. Please check with your benefits coordinator.
About Equilibrium Medical Services
Healthy Living
Lifestyle medicine is based on healthy eating, physical fitness, restorative sleep, minimizing exposure to harmful substances, social connectedness and stress management.
Primary Care
A variety of conditions can be treated with lifestyle medicine, including insomnia, hypertension, diabetes, weight management, mood disorders, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances.
We can review your lab work and testing so you’ll gain an understanding of your medical conditions. Prescriptions can be refilled.
Specific nutrition information tailored to your diagnoses or risk factors is available. If certain diseases run in your family, you can obtain a lifestyle prescription to minimize those risks.
Sometimes, you just need help getting started. Get a detailed plan and tools to make changes in your lifestyle.
I’ll work with your provider to help you implement lifestyle changes based on your health condition. Your doctor can refer you and we will collaborate so you can maximize your health.
Equilibrium exclusively provides telehealth services to patients in Arkansas and Tennessee. Emergency and after-hours care are not available.
There is immense value in face-to-face medical care and a physical exam. That’s why we work with your primary care provider.
“As a fit and healthy eater, I was shocked to learn my cholesterol was 298. Dr. Vickie recommended a plant-based diet. At first, I was reluctant but nothing else had worked and the next step was medication. I tried it for three months and now my cholesterol is 189!”
Office Hours
Mondays 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Tuesdays 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Wednesdays by request
Thursdays 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Fridays by request
*additional appointment times may be available upon request
Healthy Looks Great on You
Telehealth appointments available for residents of Arkansas and Tennessee